What is Crooked Tooth?
An aesthetic problem crooked tooth formations bring along various health problems when necessary precautions are not taken in a timely manner. While crooked teeth can occur directly due to dental problems, such problems can also occur due to disorders in the jaw and oral structure. Genetic predisposition plays an important role in the formation of such problems. When early diagnosis and treatment methods are adopted, it is possible to prevent or minimize such problems. Tooth crookedness, which is the subject of orthodontic dental treatment, can be supported by various gum treatments, filling and prosthesis treatments when necessary. Since crooked teeth can occur for many different reasons, the source of the problem must first be investigated. In this way, it is decided which treatment methods can be used. Teeth are arranged on the jaw bones to form an index. When this alignment is not at the desired level, it is called crooked teeth or crooked teeth. Such problems can be seen in the front teeth as well as in other teeth. Although it is observed that patients with visible crooked teeth problems often apply for treatment, in fact, treatment applications should also be made for crooked teeth problems in other teeth. Because the crookedness of any of the teeth disrupts the oral dental alignment. This leads to an increase in dental problems and some other health problems related to this problem. Even tooth loss can occur if timely measures are not taken.
What Causes Crooked Teeth?
Some breeds are more prone to dental problems than others. In addition, crooked teeth problems may also be passed on to children as a genetic problem from their parents. Scientific research has shown that parents play a major role in the transmission of the majority of problems such as deep bite, open bite, upper jaw brushing, lower jaw advancement, as in the genetic transmission of crooked teeth.
Crooked teeth
- Jaw size,
- Bad myofunctional habits,
- Misaligned chin,
- Failure to maintain oral hygiene,
- Improper nutrition,
- Developments due to injuries and traumas,
- Gum diseases,
- Aging
It may also occur due to reasons such as. As we get older, the teeth start to shift forward. The main reason here is that with aging, the jawbone loses its density over the years, changes shape and pushes the teeth towards the front of the mouth. For this reason, crookedness may increase with age. As people age, some changes occur in the structure of the mouth and jaw. This usually manifests itself as the teeth shifting forward and the jawbone losing its density. Such changes trigger the development of crooked teeth. Depending on the historical process, human eating habits have changed significantly. People, who previously had to chew hard and unprocessed foods more, have turned to foods that can be digested with less chewing in the progressive process. As a result, people’s mouth structures have shrunk significantly. This is one of the causes of misaligned and distorted dental problems. Some behaviors known as myofunctional habits can cause crooked teeth even if people do not have a genetic predisposition. Behaviors such as bottle and pacifier use, finger sucking, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting can cause open bite problems. Finger sucking is a common habit in young children. When such habits continue beyond the age of 6 or 7, the adult teeth that replace the deciduous teeth cause narrowing of the upper jaw and misalignment of the front teeth. In later ages, myofunctional behavior manifests itself as nail biting. This leads to upper and lower tooth alignment problems called malocclusion. Together with this, it causes tooth misalignment problems. In cases where oral and dental health is not properly cared for, crooked teeth problems can also be seen. Such habits should be acquired with milk teeth. Although deciduous teeth are replaced by adult teeth, in some cases deciduous teeth cover the space of adult teeth. This leads to crooked adult teeth.
How is crooked teeth diagnosed?
As with other health problems, diagnostic methods should be applied to determine the causes of crooked teeth problems, to examine the extent of the problem and to plan the treatment methods to be applied. First of all, the orthodontist, who performs a physical examination, requests an x-ray to visualize the crooked teeth. A facial photograph may be requested to evaluate the treatment process. With X-ray images, the condition of the tooth roots, teeth that have not yet erupted, and the condition of the gums are evaluated. The orthodontist uses panoramic and cephalometric imaging to examine the relationship of the teeth to the jaws and the jaws to the head. Such diagnostic methods can reveal crooked teeth problems as well as other oral and dental problems. In such cases, the patient may also be asked for some test results.
How is Crooked Tooth Treatment Performed?
The result of the diagnostic procedures includes the methods of treatment for crooked teeth and information on how to apply them. Such problems can be corrected directly with orthodontic treatment methods, as well as with fillings, prosthetic procedures, gum treatments.
When teeth and gums are healthy;
- Metal braces,
- Ceramic braces,
- Transparent plaque treatment,
- Lingual braces,
Treatment methods such as crooked teeth are applied. Although metal braces are frequently used among these methods applied for patients of all ages, other methods can be used for comfortable use. Metal braces are a good option for complex crooked teeth problems. In this method, fixed metal brackets are attached to the teeth with flexible wires and bands. Ceramic braces, which create an aesthetic appearance with their tooth-colored appearance, can make metal brackets invisible in crooked teeth treatment. Although it is advantageous in this respect, it also has disadvantages as it is prone to staining and breakage. In the transparent aligner application, which is frequently preferred by young patients, the aligners are produced specifically for the patient. The transparent aligners used in the method have the advantage of not being noticeable in the mouth. Lingual braces, which are not recommended for patients with severe crooked teeth, are placed on the back of the teeth called the lingual surface. The advantage of this method is that it is not noticeable from the outside. The disadvantage of this method is that it makes teeth cleaning difficult. Some crooked teeth may be directly related to jaw problems. In such cases, jaw correction surgeries called orthognathic surgery are performed. After orthognathic surgical procedures, treatment can be supported with braces.
How to Fix Crooked Teeth?
If parents have crooked teeth, there is a high probability that this problem will be passed on to children due to genetic predisposition. However, it would be wrong to attribute all such dental problems to genetic transmission. Excess teeth, missing teeth, teeth that have completed their development in a healthy way, and even palate problems can also be the causes of such problems. Even some external factors such as accidents can cause such problems. Depending on the extent of the problem, different teeth straightening treatments can be applied, as well as personalized treatment methods can be used for this purpose. While crooked teeth problems caused by the formation or development of teeth can usually be corrected with braces, crooked teeth due to jaw and palate problems may require the use of some challenging surgical methods. When metal, transparent, lingual and porcelain braces are used, the crooked tooth is constantly suppressed. This suppression continues until the correction is complete. Depending on the level of crookedness, the patient’s age and dental health, the correction process varies.
What are the Symptoms of Crooked Teeth?
Crooked teeth, which cause some aesthetic problems in the face and mouth, make themselves felt with deviations from the usual arrangement of the teeth. In such cases, the teeth show a cross or trapezoidal posture. In this position, the teeth overlap each other. In some cases, the teeth deviate from their axis and this is manifested by excessive gaps between the teeth. This causes some problems in dental hygiene. If measures are not taken in time, it can lead to tartar formation, bad breath and tooth decay. Such problems also cause gum problems, which is another problem. Although crooked teeth problems in the front teeth may present themselves as an aesthetic problem, this is actually a health problem that should be taken seriously. Some crooked teeth may not cause an aesthetic problem in the first place. Such crooked teeth usually occur in the back rows of teeth. Although such problems usually do not cause aesthetic problems, they manifest themselves as irregular chewing functions, swallowing and speech difficulties. When such problems are not prevented in time, they cause deterioration in the jaw structure and consequently aesthetic problems. Orthodontists should be consulted for such crooked teeth problems. As with many health problems, early diagnosis and treatment methods in crooked teeth positively affect the process. Sometimes gum diseases, tooth clenching, jaw slippage, jaw and headaches are caused by crooked teeth.
What are the Causes of Crooked Teeth?
Crooked teeth problems, which are considered among genetic disorders, can be a congenital problem or acquired later. A blow to the jaw for any reason can cause the person’s teeth to shift and move. If this situation is not overcome in a healthy way, the teeth shifting from their axis can create a crooked structure. Such accidents may even cause damage to the gums and tooth loss. For this reason, it is strongly recommended to consult an orthodontist after blows to the jaw. Eating habits or direct malnutrition also cause crooked teeth problems. It is a known fact that some cultures in history have experienced dental problems due to their eating habits. The tendency of people to consume convenience foods has caused some changes in the jaw and mouth structure. This has brought along crooked teeth problems along with some other dental health problems. Some gum diseases and problems related to the jaw structure can cause crooked teeth problems, and it is also possible that such problems may occur due to crooked teeth problems. Therefore, oral and dental health should be considered as a whole. Some crooked teeth can also be acquired through childhood behaviors. Such situations may be caused by problems with milk teeth or the continuation of childhood behaviors such as finger sucking. In elderly patients, such problems usually occur with changes in the jawbone.
Who Has Crooked Teeth More Often?
If parents have problems with crooked teeth, their children often have such problems as well. However, when timely measures are taken and necessary controls are carried out, it is possible to prevent such problems. Children with decayed deciduous teeth are also likely to have crooked teeth at a later age. Sometimes people’s physiological bone structure also triggers crooked teeth problems. In cases where the jaw structure is smaller than usual, crooked teeth are frequently seen in large tooth structures. Impact-related crooked teeth are also very common. Although some physiological characteristics acquired from birth create a predisposition to crooked tooth formation, situations where the necessary care is not taken in oral and dental care also cause tooth loss, gum diseases and crooked teeth.
How Long Does Crooked Tooth Treatment Take?
If braces and similar methods are used for treatment, the treatment may last between 8 months and 30 months. During this period, the treatment process and developments are monitored by providing periodic controls. This process is affected by the patient’s physiological condition and the level of crooked teeth. While simple crooked teeth respond to the braces method in a shorter time, the process may take longer if the crookedness is high. Another factor affecting the process is the correct diagnosis and the experience of the team managing the process. When an experienced team is involved in the process, it shortens the treatment process by managing the process more professionally. The necessity of surgical interventions in the treatment of some crooked tooth problems may affect the treatment process. In such cases, the crooked jaws are removed with an operation and, if necessary, braces are applied after recovery. In crooked teeth problems that can be eliminated with personalized treatment methods, some suggestions can be offered to the patient by orthodontics to shorten the treatment process and achieve the desired level of success. In cases where the patient takes the recommendations into consideration and cooperates, the treatment process will take less time. In cases where braces treatment is adopted, it is recommended to avoid excessively hard and excessively soft foods and not to use chewing gum.
Which methods are used in the treatment of crooked teeth?
As with other health problems, data on the problem must first be obtained. For crooked teeth, the dentist needs data obtained from physical examination and imaging methods. If the patient’s problem is only related to crooked teeth, he/she is referred to orthodontics. If the problem is caused by jaw problems, surgical methods are used. In cases where braces treatment is foreseen, crooked teeth treatment begins with the insertion of the braces deemed appropriate for the patient. During the preparation phase, the patient is informed about how long the process will take and the periodicity of routine controls. If deemed necessary during the controls, the braces can be rearranged. Your dentist will recommend surgical methods in cases where crooked teeth problems are related to jaw problems. One of the frequently used methods in such problems is to use a reinforcement appliance.
What Should Be Done Before Crooked Tooth Treatment?
In order to determine the patient’s needs and to determine the treatment methods for crooked teeth, some tests need to be performed prior to treatment. Cephalometry or panoramic x-ray technology is often used for this. In this way, the alignment of the teeth, the position of the crooked teeth, the connections of the teeth with the jaw are investigated. After the necessary information is provided, smile design applications are applied. In this case, it is estimated approximately how the patient will create an aesthetic as a result of the treatment. If necessary, the physician may also ask the patient to bite a soft material to investigate bite and chewing problems. After evaluating all the data obtained, the treatment process for crooked teeth is initiated. The physician will also resort to surgical methods for crooked tooth treatment according to the data obtained. In cases where surgical methods will be used, test results such as the patient’s blood tests and allergy to anesthesia are requested. In cases where such interventions are not necessary, dental insane designs are realized according to the needs of the patient through analysis and measurements.
How many months does it take to fix a crooked tooth?
One of the most common problems encountered by dentists in crooked tooth treatments is, how many months will the teeth straighten? This is the question. After physically examining the patient and evaluating the imaging results, the dentist will make an estimate of when the treatment will be completed. However, this is always an estimate and it may not always be possible to estimate the exact time. Just as each patient’s crooked tooth problem may differ, so too will each patient’s response to treatment. In the best case scenario, such dental problems can be completely eliminated within 6 months. However, some patients may have more crooked teeth. In such cases, a process of 30 months can be predicted for the teeth to be completely straightened. Due to the long treatment process, some patients may want to accept their crooked teeth problems due to aesthetic concerns. Traditional braces can be used for crooked teeth, as well as transparent tongue braces that do not cause aesthetic problems. Patients with aesthetic concerns can provide the necessary information from the dentist when determining crooked teeth methods.
What are the Harms of Crooked Teeth?
Crooked teeth problems, which can be seen at any age, are not only an aesthetic problem but also a health problem. Along with this problem, problems of not being able to chew properly are also seen. Foods that are not chewed sufficiently bring digestive problems. In cases where teeth cleaning and oral care are not performed sufficiently, crooked teeth problems may occur, as well as the proper positioning of the teeth creates an obstacle to such care procedures. Over time, this leads to gum proliferation, gum diseases, tooth loss and even digestive problems. Crooked teeth problems at a level that prevents the jaw from pressing in the appropriate position cause excessive pressure on the teeth that are not in the crooked position and cause fractures due to this. Crooked teeth in the front part cause loss of self-confidence and mental breakdowns in the future due to aesthetic problems.
Other Factors Causing Crooked Tooth Formation
Research results show that there is a close relationship between tooth structure and nutrition. For this reason, people may experience crooked teeth problems depending on their physiological structure, or it may be directly due to the person’s nutrition. In societies that cannot provide sufficient economic support, crooked teeth are one of the most common dental health problems. Children who do not receive adequate nutrition, especially in their early childhood years, encounter such problems in later ages. Economic problems also cause significant disruptions in dental controls. In such conditions, this is another factor that causes crooked teeth problems. However, it is recommended by physicians to have dental check-ups at least every 6 months. In cases where saliva secretion, which has an important place in people’s oral health, is not sufficient, dental health problems and digestion problems are experienced. This can affect the unhealthy development of teeth and can also trigger crooked tooth formations. People who do not experience such problems naturally may experience problems in the jaw and tooth structure in challenging conditions such as traffic accidents.
Crooked Tooth Treatment Prices 2024
As in other years, there were price increases in medical products used in the treatment of crooked teeth in 2024 due to inflation data. Accordingly, the prices of crooked teeth also increased upwards. Many different braces are used in the treatment of crooked teeth. Product differences used in treatment also significantly affect prices. As with other dental treatments, crooked teeth treatments differ according to the location and popularity of the health institution, the recognition of the physician and the health team who will take part in the treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if a crooked tooth is not treated?
If crooked tooth problems, popularly known as crooked teeth, are left untreated, they cause oral and dental health problems and deterioration in the jaw structure. In cases where measures are not taken in time, digestive problems due to crooked teeth problems cause psychological problems as well as aesthetic problems after childhood.
How to Fix 1 Crooked Tooth?
In cases where there is no problem with the jaw structure or other teeth, 1 crooked tooth can be corrected using one of the orthodontic methods. Sometimes a milk tooth or an extra tooth that retains its position can be the cause of crooked teeth. In this case, the dentist will apply one of the treatment methods after removing the extra tooth causing the problem. The crooked tooth can be corrected by applying braces treatment, or a wire-free treatment method can be applied with transparent aligners.
Can Crooked Teeth Straighten Spontaneously?
In cases where the tooth that is causing the problem is extracted, the crooked tooth that survives the look can be corrected. However, this is a very low probability. In order to give a clear answer to this, orthodontic opinions should be taken and the recommended crooked tooth treatment methods should be applied in order to avoid any problems in the future.
What are the Problems Caused by Crooked Teeth?
The problem of crooked teeth, which takes its place among oral and dental health problems, is a physically aesthetic problem. People who find themselves aesthetically inadequate also face some social problems. People who do not have any aesthetic concerns cannot fulfill their oral and dental health care as required due to crooked teeth problems. This problem causes tooth decay and tooth loss in the advanced stage. All problems that can be experienced in dental health bring oral and dental health problems first, followed by digestive system problems. Crooked teeth can directly cause aesthetic problems and also cause significant problems in facial aesthetics depending on the changes in the mouth and jaw structure.
What Should Be Considered To Avoid Crooked Teeth?
Crooked teeth can be prevented by taking some precautions. Especially those with a genetic predisposition should have periodic dental check-ups starting from the baby teeth. It has been scientifically proven that eating habits cause crooked teeth. In order to avoid such problems, it is recommended to meet healthy nutritional requirements. Of course, the daily application of personal dental care can provide a solution to many dental problems, as well as preventing the occurrence of crooked teeth.
Is Crooked Teeth Genetic?
It is a known fact that crooked teeth are a genetic problem. However, the fact that parents have crooked teeth does not necessarily mean that they will pass it on to their children. In other words, this kind of problem in parents may not be genetically transmitted. In other words, crooked teeth may have occurred because the parents did not take the necessary care. In both cases, when you consult a dentist, crooked teeth are no longer a problem with personalized methods.
After How Old Can I Get Braces?
Crooked teeth problems, which can be seen at later ages starting from milk teeth, can respond to orthodontic treatment at the age of 5-6 at the earliest. There is no upper age limit for this type of treatment. The recommended starting age for braces is 11-13 years old. In cases of crooked teeth or other dental problems due to skeletal problems, treatment can be started at the age of 7-8. Although these ages are stated as general information, the exact starting age can be specified after the patient is evaluated by the physician.
Is Dental Impaction Associated with Poverty and Inadequate Nutrition?
Poverty and malnutrition can be a cause of crooked teeth. It is also necessary to evaluate this with the genetic structure of the person. Just as some people are genetically predisposed to crooked teeth, some people have strong tooth structures from their genes. Although these people may have some discomfort due to malnutrition problems, they may not have crooked teeth problems.
How Long Can Crooked Tooth Veneers Be Used?
They may prefer laminated zirconium application for crooked teeth problems because it gives the teeth a natural appearance. This tooth coating method, which can last for a long time, can be used for many years when dental cleaning and oral care are performed properly and routine checks are performed on time. Veneers for crooked teeth of this type have a wide variety. Depending on the quality of the material used in the production of the product and the success of the manufacturer, the duration of use may vary. Porcelain dental veneers can be limited to an average of 5-10 years of use.
Do Braces Hurt?
Braces application, which is one of the painless and painless crooked teeth treatment methods, is a comfortable orthodontic application that does not need anesthesia. Although it varies according to the person, it may cause a feeling of pain as it will put pressure on the teeth during the first application. This pain sensation varies according to the number of crooked teeth. In this method, which can be applied between approximately 30 minutes and 2 hours, the pain sensation disappears after an average of 24 hours. The physician may recommend some painkillers after the application, as well as some nutritional methods. For this, it may be recommended to eat soft foods, soup, yogurt, mashed potatoes for a period of 3-7 days. If the pain persists despite following the physician’s recommendations, you should consult a physician.
Does Eating Nails Cause Crooked Teeth?
Unlike the consumption of certain foods, nail biting is considered a factor in the formation of crooked teeth. This is because this kind of negative behavior causes scratching of dental plaque and damage to the gums. In addition, such habits put pressure on one’s teeth and cause crooked teeth.
Can Adults Get Braces?
Adults may experience problems due to crooked teeth. In such problems, braces can be applied to adults as well as young people and children. In older ages, crooked teeth problems usually arise due to gum recession, tooth loss and age-related reasons. When a dentist is consulted, treatment methods depending on the causes are first applied and then braces are applied.
Is Crooked Teeth Genetic?
Some people may experience crooked teeth due to genetic predisposition. However, it is not possible to explain this with all crooked teeth. Finger sucking starting from childhood, malnutrition can start the problem of crooked teeth, as well as disorders in the jaw structure, gingival recession, dental caries, and even later acquired nail biting habits are also the causes of crooked teeth.
Can Crooked Teeth Cause Other Problems?
When oral and dental health is examined as a whole, it is seen that any problem that occurs in the mouth causes many problems in the mouth. As a result of such problems, crooked teeth problems may occur, as well as crooked teeth affect the position of other teeth and cause problems in healthy tooth development. Some problems in the gums, deterioration in the jaw structure, speech disorders, stomach problems may have developed due to problems caused by crooked teeth.
Are Crooked Teeth Congenital?
Some congenital crooked teeth problems can be seen. Such problems may be genetic or due to congenital jaw and bone structure disorders. In addition, it is also possible to have crooked teeth that are not congenital and due to many factors. Therefore, it cannot be said that all crooked teeth are congenital.
How many months does it take to fix crooked teeth?
The problem of crooked teeth, which is among the health problems seen at all ages, improves for different periods of time depending on the person’s oral health, tooth structure, resistance to treatment and age. The quality of braces and similar medical products applied in these procedures will vary between 8 months and 36 months, depending on the experience of the orthodontist who will perform the application. In cases where the patient contributes to the treatment, the process of correction of crooked teeth is significantly shortened.