Merkez District, Cenere Street, Tempocity No:26/2, Kağıthane, Istanbul

Pediatric Dentist

You can get oral and dental health treatment services for your children with a pediatric dentist. You can ensure that the dental development of your children, especially in the developmental age, is followed up thanks to the doctor’s examination. In this way, you can ensure that your children have healthier teeth. You will work with pediatric dentist you can ensure that the right treatments are applied to your children’s dental problems. In this way, you can ensure that your children use their own teeth for a longer period of time thanks to the right treatment. You can make a pediatric dentist appointment for your child who you think has oral and dental health problems and proceed to the examination and treatment stage. In this way, you can ensure that health problems are treated early and have a healthy mouth or tooth structure.

Who is a Pediatric Dentist?

Doctors responsible for the dental health and treatment of children and babies aged 0-13 are called pediatric dentists. Since the department dealing with children’s oral and dental health in medicine is called pedodontics, doctors in this field are also called pedodontists. A pediatric dentist who has completed his/her license in dentistry is responsible for taking both preventive and therapeutic measures for the teeth of children between the ages of 0-13. In this way, they help babies or children reach adulthood with healthy and permanent teeth. Children’s permanent teeth and deciduous teeth should be under the control of a pediatric dentist . In this way, early measures or treatments are applied on issues such as the proper eruption of teeth, structural disorders and development. In this way, children are prevented from encountering problems of losing their permanent teeth at an early age.

First Examination with a Pediatric Dentist

The onset of dental problems in children can lead to tooth decay and tooth loss. For this reason, we recommend the first examination before problems arise. For the first dental examination, it is necessary to wait for the child’s teeth to erupt. When the child comes to our clinic, the pediatric dentist performs a physical examination. The examination consists of the doctor examining the child’s tooth structure with light and the necessary equipment. Details such as the position, posture, gums, tooth decay, jaw and palate harmony with the teeth are examined by the doctor during the examination. The first dental examination can be frightening for children. For this reason, the pediatric dentist communicates with the child before starting the examination. At this stage, toys and objects that will attract the child’s attention are used. After the communication is successfully established, the pediatric dentist explains the procedures he/she will perform for the child in a language he/she understands and in a way that does not frighten him/her. At this stage, it is possible to explain the names of dental equipment. It also prevents the child from stressing by explaining the positive aspects of the examination. After the first dental examination is completed, the pediatric dentist informs the family about their child’s dental health. If there is tooth decay or other problems, the pediatric dentist explains the treatment to be done. Especially if the child needs to form the right eating habits, he/she offers suggestions in this direction. While doing all this, the pediatric dentist makes sure that the duration is not long enough for the child to get bored and scared.

Children’s Dental Treatments

Dental problems that occur in childhood and are not treated negatively affect adulthood. To prevent this, pediatric dentist appointments should not be disrupted. In this way, it is ensured that appropriate treatments are applied to the discomfort that occurs.

Some of the treatments we do as a pediatric dentist for children are as follows;

Treatment of tooth decay: Tooth decay caused by bacteria, malnutrition and febrile illnesses is treated. To treat this condition, the decayed part of the child’s tooth is cleaned. If the tooth is suitable for filling after the cleaning process, the filling is done by the pediatric dentist. If the decayed tooth cannot be filled, cap covers are preferred. Filling treatment: Filling treatment is the treatment method preferred by the pediatric dentist for decayed and broken teeth. Thanks to the filling made after the caries is cleaned, the pain due to the food going to the tooth that has become hollow is prevented. Thanks to the filling made for fractures, the tooth gains a solid appearance. Root canal treatment: It is the treatment preferred by the pediatric dentist to save the tooth in cases where tooth decay does not reach the tooth root but remains in the pulp section. Thanks to the treatment, the decayed structure is cleaned. Gum treatment: Bleeding and swelling of the gums can occur due to bacteria and lack of regular oral care. The doctor treats the damaged gums by using substances such as mouthwash or gel. Orthodontic treatment: It is possible for children to develop crowded teeth due to genetic problems and impacts. In this case, the pediatric dentist performs orthodontic treatment to remove the crowding after the examination. It is common to use braces for crowded teeth with this treatment. Fluoride application: One of the treatments used by a pediatric dentist for children is fluoride application. Thanks to this application, the tooth enamel reaches a strong structure against decay and external factors. If the application is performed by the doctor, fluorinated gels are used. If it is deemed appropriate for the child to apply fluoride, he/she is asked to brush his/her teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Placeholder application: It is possible for milk teeth to fall out early in children. Since permanent teeth will come out after the milk teeth, it is desired that these teeth come in properly. Thanks to the placeholder application, the pediatric dentist makes it easier for the teeth to come in properly. Fissure sealant application: Decay of molars is common in children. The doctor applies fissure sealant to the molars. In this way, decay of the molars is prevented or the risk is reduced.

Tooth extraction Tooth extraction is a procedure performed by a pediatric dentist when it is not possible to save the tooth with any treatment. The tooth that has lost its function and causes pain is extracted and the child is relieved of the pain by our doctor. Night plate treatment: Night plate treatment is applied by the pediatric dentist to solve the teeth grinding problem of children. Thanks to the plaque prepared in accordance with the tooth structure of the child, grinding is eliminated especially at night. The child should use the tray as long as recommended by our doctor. Dental trauma treatment: It is possible for children to experience dental trauma. For this trauma to develop, the tooth must be lost or broken. After these events, it is possible to develop sores in the mouth. The wounds are treated with cleaning and medication by the pediatric dentist. In addition, if there is pain caused by trauma, the treatment is completed by prescribing injections or painkillers. Treatment methods are determined by the pediatric dentist after the examination of the child. The dental and oral structure problems clarify the direction of the treatment. After determining the method, we start the treatment by informing the child’s family or relatives who are with the child.

Oral and Dental Health Problems in Children

As a pediatric dentist in the Pedodontics department, we deal with children in the 0-13 age group. Children in this age group are solved if they neglect dental check-ups, developmental dental problems and oral care problems.

In our clinic, the pediatric dentist treats the following oral and dental health problems in children;

Caries problems Cavities are undoubtedly the most common problem in children. Dental caries, which usually develops due to the consumption of sugary and acidic foods, negatively affects children’s dental health. Caries-induced pain, bad breath and problems in the gums are experienced. In caries problems, the pediatric dentist ensures that the patient recovers by applying the necessary treatment. Baby bottle caries problem: Bottle decay is one of the dental problems encountered in babies. The reason for this problem is that the baby sucks breast milk or a bottle between sleep. The milk left in the teeth after this feeding causes decay and germ formation. Tooth fracture problems: When children fall or put hard objects in their mouths, this can cause tooth fractures. A broken tooth can cause problems such as stinging or pain in the palate. This is why the fracture must be treated by a pediatric dentist. Gum problems: Gum problems occur when children do not brush their teeth and do not take adequate oral care. These problems are seen as swelling or bleeding of the gums. It is essential to make a pediatric dentist appointment to solve this painful problem. Tooth alignment problems: It is not always possible for children to have their teeth aligned as desired. Both genetic problems and problems experienced during the development of teeth cause malalignment. Especially if there is a crooked appearance, it disturbs both the child and his/her family. In this case, the pediatric dentist applies treatments to help correct the alignment. Tooth loss problems: It is possible to see tooth loss during childhood. Caries, tooth root problems and fractures cause loss. In this case, tooth loss is eliminated with prosthesis applications and a proper tooth structure is obtained. Tooth impact problems: The mobile childhood period brings dental impacts. It is seen that teeth that are impacted due to actions such as falling, hard object contact and anxiety experience structural disorders. These disorders are experienced in the form of fracture, buckling or trauma. A pediatric dentist appointment should be made as soon as possible to improve these problems caused by tooth impact. Tooth discoloration problems: Teeth discoloration problems may develop in children. The most important causes of this problem are malnutrition, lack of dental hygiene and contact of bacteria with the teeth. Depending on these reasons, teeth that should be white may appear brown, green, yellow or black. With the appropriate treatment, it is possible for the child’s tooth color to be restored. However, a pediatric dentist should be found and examined from the moment tooth discoloration begins. Teeth grinding problems: Although not as common as in adults, teeth grinding is also seen in adolescents and children.

Exam stress, family problems and school anxieties cause teeth grinding. Grinding leads to wear and even loss of teeth. Early treatment is of great importance to get rid of dental problems. If treatment is not started early, tooth loss is inevitable. For this reason, parents should have regular pediatric dentist checks for their children.

When Should I Have My Baby’s First Pediatric Dentist Examination?

If you have a baby, you may ask the question when should I have my baby’s first dental check-up? In this regard, the time recommended by the World Health Organization will be the right choice. The organization recommends that the baby’s first pediatric dentist examination should take place between 6 months and 1 year. The time interval recommended by the World Health Organization is after the baby’s first teeth erupt. Because the first tooth in babies erupts at the end of an average of 6 months. Thus, it would be the right choice to make a pediatric dentist appointment considering that the examination should be done. If the baby’s first tooth has erupted at the age of 6 months, it is recommended not to interrupt the examination. It is possible for this period to extend up to a maximum of 1 year of age. The first dental examination of babies is not subject to a procedure that requires parents to hesitate. During the examination, the baby’s teeth are examined. It is sufficient to use light and a mirror for this examination. After examining the condition of the teeth, as a pediatric dentist , we inform the parents correctly about the baby’s dental health. In cases where we detect problems, we provide the solution of the problem by informing about preventive or therapeutic methods.

Isn’t One Year Old Too Early to Take a Child to the Dentist?

We recommend that you bring your children for their first pediatric dental check-up when they reach the age of 1 year maximum. This age may seem quite early to you. However, contrary to what you may think, it is not too early at all. Because the first examination helps us to follow the development of teeth. In this way, we can apply the necessary treatments for the correct development. As a pediatric dentist, we want your children to have healthy teeth. For this reason, we recommend that the first examination should start at a maximum age of 1 year. In this way, we can inform you correctly about your baby’s dental health and oral health. We will also tell you what you need to do to prevent tooth decay in your babies. In addition, thanks to the dental checks we carry out until a certain period, we help babies complete their dental development in a healthy way. When you reach the necessary awareness about your babies’ dental health, you can tell your children about the care recommendations during the growth phase. In this way, you can help them to have healthy teeth in childhood, adolescence or adulthood. For care and control recommendations, you should make your pediatric dentist appointment after your baby’s first tooth erupts.

What Should We Consider Before the First Pediatric Dentist Examination?

The first examination must be successfully completed by the pediatric dentist . Therefore, there are some things that parents should pay particular attention to before the first examination.

These are;

  • The child should be prepared for the pediatric dentist ‘s examination.
  • During the preparation phase, the child should not be told that the tooth will be extracted or that it will be painful.
  • Pediatric dentist experiences by parents should not be told to children.
  • The child should not be informed that the dentist will not hurt him/her during the examination. This information may cause the child to perceive the opposite.
  • The child should not receive any reward or gift before the pediatric dentist examination. Rewarding may cause the child to approach the examination hesitantly. It may also result in the child expecting a gift at every dental examination.
  • Avoid explaining the situation the child will experience if the examination is not performed. This is because insisting may result in the child becoming more frightened or opposing the examination.
  • The child should not be given information about the procedures to be performed by the pediatric dentist. An unexpected procedure may cause the child to react.

Do not try to communicate between the child and the pediatric dentist. Let the doctor approach and communicate with your child as he or she wishes. After the initial communication, games, conversation and dental clinical instruments can be used to ensure that the first examination is successful.

What Can Be Done When First Visiting a Pediatric Dentist?

Since it is known that the first visit is stressful for children, the pediatric dentist takes care that the examination is not long. However, he tries to establish healthy communication with the child in the first stage. In this way, when he approaches the child with dental examination tools, he reduces the possibility of experiencing a sense of fear. If the child has a pediatric dentist phobia, it is possible for the doctor to use methods to eliminate it. Playing with the child, talking to him/her, introducing him/her to the instruments and explaining the examination in a way he/she understands are some of the things the doctor can do to prevent phobia. In this way, it is ensured that the examination starts or is not interrupted. For this, communication and the elimination of phobia should not be skipped before the examination. During the first examination, the doctor examines the tissues and teeth of the child’s mouth. He or she uses important equipment such as light and mirrors during the examination. In this way, he/she performs the examination clearly and determines whether there is a problem by taking a clear image of the oral and dental structure. When the pediatric dentist does not detect any problems in the dental health of the child during the control in our clinic, he/she gives information about preventive applications. These applications include; giving information about oral hygiene, fluoride application, using fissure sealant and informing about determining the nutrition style that will protect dental health. If the pediatric dentist detects a problem in the child’s teeth or oral tissues during the examination, he/she determines the treatment method. He/she provides information about the method in a way that parents can understand. For the problems detected in children, he/she performs tooth extraction, orthodontics, dental prosthesis, night plate, filling, fracture treatment, root canal treatment and coloring treatments.

What should I do when bringing my child to treatment sessions?

The pediatric dentist who examined your child may have decided on treatment. In this case, you should ensure that your child attends the treatment sessions without interruption. For this reason, you should take note of the dates and times of the sessions. Apart from that, you should accompany your child to the treatment session. In this way, you will ensure that your child does not feel alone and is not afraid of the treatment. If you have been informed by the pediatric dentist at your previous appointment to bring your child to the treatment hungry or full, follow this. If there is no request to come hungry, make sure that your child is fed. In this way, you will not have a problem that he/she will not be able to eat and drink for a few hours after the treatment. If you are going to bring your child to the treatment session, you should not scare them about the treatments to be performed by the pediatric dentist . Especially when he asks you how the treatment will be done, do not scare him, but make conversations in a way that will ensure that he is prepared for the procedure. If you have entered the pediatric dentist’s room while your child is being treated, avoid asking questions about whether your child is afraid. These questions may cause your child to become anxious and avoid the examination. In addition, unwanted problems may occur due to the child becoming irritable. Your child who you take to a pediatric dentist appointment for dental treatment may get bored after a while. Boredom may cause him/her to want to leave, cry or behave aggressively. These behaviors can disrupt the examination. For this reason, avoid extra treatment procedures from our doctor. Also ask your doctor for help in planning the treatment to be mild and intermittent. This way, your child can complete the treatments without stress.

Which Doctor Treats Children’s Teeth?

A pediatric dentist takes care of children’s dental problems. It ensures that the correct treatment is applied in many issues from tooth decay to gum problems, tooth fractures, tooth enamel problems and tooth extraction. In order for people to work as a pediatric dentist , the necessary training must be received. The training required by doctors is a 5-year undergraduate degree in dentistry. After this education, they should receive doctorate and specialty status education in the field of pediatric dentistry. Thus, it is possible to start working as a pediatric dentist in our clinic.

What is a Pediatric Dentist Called?

In medicine, a pediatric dentist is called a pedodontist. The reason why the doctor takes this name is that the field of pediatric dentistry is called pedodontics. For this reason, people whose children have dental problems should make a pedodontic appointment and be examined by pedodontists. Apart from pedodontists, doctors who deal with children’s oral and dental health are called pediatric dentists. There is no need to experience any confusion due to different names. Because the meaning of each nomenclature is the same.

Does a Dentist Take Care of Children?

General dentists are doctors who work to treat individuals over the age of 12. If your child is over the age of 12-13, you can take them to a general dentist for an examination. After the examination, it is possible to perform treatment and applications depending on the problem. If your child is under 12 years old, you need to make a pediatric dentist appointment. According to the problem he / she is experiencing, the necessary examination and examination and treatment is provided by our doctor. You will also be informed as necessary for your child’s dental health.

When Should Children Go to the Dentist?

A visit to the pediatric dentist for the first examination should be between the ages of 6 months and 1 year. Apart from that, regular check-ups should be done until the child reaches the age of 12-13. Especially in case of toothache, bleeding gums, swollen gums, dental apnea and dental trauma, the pediatric dentist should be visited immediately.

How Old is a Child Dental Polyclinic?

Children’s dental polyclinic is 0-13 years old. Children who do not fit into this age range should make their outpatient appointment at the general dental clinic.

How Old Are Children’s Teeth?

Pediatric dentists start caring for patients from the age of 0. However, in order to be seen by a pediatric dentist, the first tooth eruption must be completed. This commonly occurs when the baby is 6 months old.

At what age to go to the dentist?

If you are going to the dentist for the first time, you must be 1 year old at the latest. The dentist examination at the age of 1 year at the latest is called the first examination. Apart from this, it is necessary to go to the dentist and have a dental check-up in every age group. In this way, it is possible to carry out preventive applications and treatment at the beginning of problems.

What should I do if my child has a toothache?

If your child has a toothache, you should make a pediatric dentist appointment at our clinic. In this way, the correct treatment will be done by our doctor. You can use painkillers suitable for children until your appointment date. Apart from that, you can help reduce the pain by applying ice for the tooth. However, you should be careful not to overdo it both in the use of painkillers and ice application.

Can 4 Year Old Children Have Their Teeth Removed?

It is possible for a 4-year-old child to have their teeth extracted. However, the decision for extraction should be made by the pediatric dentist . Especially if the tooth is decayed and cannot be treated, extraction is a must. Because it is possible for the child to have problems due to pain and abscess in the ongoing process.

Can a 4-Year-Old Child Have a Tooth Filling?

Dental filling can be performed in 4-year-old children after preventing tooth decay, completing tooth fractures and cleaning caries. For the filling, gels and creams are used by the pediatric dentist to numb the tooth to be filled. After the tooth is numb, filling materials are used to fill the appropriate tooth. If the 4-year-old child is afraid of the filling procedure, it is possible for our doctor to perform the procedure under sedation. This prevents the child from feeling the procedure. After the child wakes up, the examination is completed.

Why does a 3-year-old child’s teeth rot?

Tooth decay is a common problem in children. This problem is also seen in 3-year-old children. The causes of tooth decay can be listed as follows; excess milk consumption, consumption of starch-containing foods, consumption of sugary foods, febrile illness, sucking fingers and sleeping with the mouth open. In addition, it is possible for harmful bacteria to reach the oral tissue and cause decay due to the child putting foreign objects into his/her mouth.

What Happens If Milk Teeth Decay?

It is possible to see children’s milk teeth decaying. When these teeth decay, it causes the tooth to hurt. This makes the child suffer. For this reason, it is necessary to make sure that the necessary dental cleaning is done regularly to prevent decay of milk teeth in children. If decay of the deciduous tooth is not prevented, tooth extraction should be performed to stop the pain. However, tooth extraction at an early age may cause a crooked appearance in the development of permanent teeth. For this reason , the pediatric dentist prevents the tooth from closing by applying a placeholder after tooth extraction. In this way, it is ensured that the permanent tooth is replaced when the time comes.

What is a Pediatric Dentist?

It means a doctor who is responsible for the dental and oral health of children aged 0-13 years.

Is a Pediatric Dentist Different?

Yes, it is different. In order to become a pediatric dentist, candidates must have a specialty-doctorate in pedodontics and obtain the title of pedodontist. In this way, they can perform preventive and therapeutic applications for children. Thanks to these applications, they can ensure that children gain dental care habits. They also provide treatment for tooth decay, tooth fracture, tooth grinding and pain problems experienced by children.

Up to What Age Does Pediatric Dentistry Care?

Pediatric dentistry treats children from 0 to 13 years of age. If children are between the ages of 0 and 12, the treatments are usually on deciduous teeth. If children are between the ages of 7 and 12, it deals with the treatment of both deciduous and permanent teeth. In cases where children are over 12 years old, they should consult general dentistry.

Can a 4-Year-Old Child Have a Tooth Filling?

If the pediatric dentist deems it appropriate, a tooth filling is performed in a 4-year-old child. In order for the filling to be done, there must first be a missing tooth or cavity that needs filling. In case of missing teeth due to decay or fracture, it is possible to use the tooth by filling the tooth.

Can Milk Tooth Have Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is performed on children’s milk teeth. In order for the treatment to be performed, the child should have intense milk tooth pain, the milk tooth should be decayed, the pain should increase while eating and swelling should be seen in the tooth. In this case, root canal treatment is deemed appropriate by the pediatric dentist. If the child experiencing toothache is over 3-4 years old, it is possible to easily perform root canal treatment on the milk tooth. This treatment does not negatively affect the child’s future permanent teeth. On the contrary, not treating the decay or other damage may affect the tooth roots and prevent the development of permanent teeth.

What to do if a child has a broken front tooth?

If the child has a broken front tooth, it is possible to treat it. First of all, the broken tooth should be placed in a clean cloth. After the tooth is protected, the child should be given a gauze pad and asked to bite on it so that the bleeding stops. After the tooth is protected, the child should go to the pediatric dentistry department. Here, the pediatric dentist examines the broken tooth and ensures that the tooth is replaced, taking into account the damage. Especially if the tooth is broken from the root, the replacement process is easier. If the child’s front tooth is broken into pieces, it is not directly inserted. If the broken piece is kept, it is taken from the patient and cleaned as necessary. Bonding is applied for the cleaned broken piece and the tooth is replaced. In this way, tooth loss is prevented for the child. If the fractured piece of the child’s front outer part cannot be found, composite filling treatment should be performed. For this treatment, the pediatric dentist uses composite laminate. For this procedure, it does not matter whether the broken piece is large or small.

How to Treat a Half Broken Tooth?

A pediatric dentist treats teeth that are broken in half. The presence or absence of pieces of the broken tooth helps to determine the treatment. If the broken part of the tooth is preserved, it is possible to regain the old appearance of the tooth by gluing. In the bonding process, adhesive materials that will not harm the tooth structure of the child are used. If the part of the half-broken tooth cannot be found, composite laminate is applied by the pediatric dentist as in the front teeth. In this way, it is ensured that the tooth has an appearance close to its previous appearance. In this application, the color of the composite laminate is close to the tooth tissue. Therefore, the bonding process cannot be understood from the outside. This will not cause the child any future discomfort. instagram: dr.cinargaffari

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